Travel is not only fun but it is good for you too. There are countless reasons as to why you should travel but your health can be one of the top reasons why you do it. Adventuring abroad can not only grow your cultural experience but it can also help you relieve stress or boost your creativity. Sightseeing can give you the health boost you need in your own life and here is why.


  • Mental Recharge

Whether it be to escape from the daily routine of work or to take a break from the stressors of life in general, travel can give you that mental recharge you need. It is also said that traveling or vacationing can increase your compassion for others.


  • Keeps You Fit

From running to catch your flight to walking all day around a new city, traveling keeps your body in good shape. You are always on the move going from one destination to another. Travelers can walk up to 10 miles from spending a day being a tourist in Europe. Also, travelers are likely to try more physically demand excursions from hiking a famous mountain or try kayaking when in a different place.


  • Stress Relief

People who travel find themselves being able to relax on a more regular basis. It is researched that after three days of taking a vacation, travelers have felt less anxious and stressed. These effects from travel are expected to linger weeks after a trip, as well.


  • Enhances Creativity

Travel gives you experience and perspective of new places that you have never seen. This can translate easily into a creative outlet. A foreign experience can increase cognitive flexibility and also depth to the thought process. A new place can give you the inspiration to create something new and give you drive to try something new.


  • Fight Depression

Yes, depression may need to be treated by a medical professional but there are small ways to boost your own happiness and travel can do that. A study from the Marshfield Clinic in Wisconsin found that women who vacation or travel at minimum two times per year are less likely to suffer from either depression of chronic stress than those who do not.


These are only a few of the many health reasons as to why you should travel. Be sure to find a location that works best to your traveling desires to be able to find better health.