How to Encourage Wellness in the Workplace

How to Encourage Wellness in the Workplace

Wellness, according to experts, is a vital asset that should be protected in a business. Employee wellness is crucial to their productivity, dedication, and motivation. Enforcing employee wellness does not have to be overly complicated or expensive. It has to do with...
The Top Mental Health Issues of University Students

The Top Mental Health Issues of University Students

Mental health professionals have growing concerns about the increasing mental health issues suffered by college students today. The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that 25 percent of students have an emotional or mental health problem. Unfortunately,...
When To Try Talk Therapy

When To Try Talk Therapy

Living through a traumatic experience is hard enough without it leaving a sometimes irreparable mark on you for the rest of your life. Millions of people all over the world are dealing with PTSD, whether it be from childhood trauma or violent scenes from war. Every...
5 Awesome Gift Ideas for Wellness Enthusiasts

5 Awesome Gift Ideas for Wellness Enthusiasts

Keeping up with a healthy lifestyle while managing other aspects of life can cause a headache for even the most experienced wellness enthusiast. Consistent exercise routines and meal prepping are complicated enough, but once one’s home and work life are thrown...
How to Create a Wellness-Focused Workplace

How to Create a Wellness-Focused Workplace

“Wellness” may seem like just a trendy buzzword these days, but when it comes to creating a successful, thriving workplace, supporting employees’ mental and physical well-being is more than just good for morale—it’s good for business. Becoming...