Getting therapy in a time of isolation

Getting therapy in a time of isolation

Our current climate has forced everyone around the world to practice social distancing. We are all adjusting and adapting to the “new normal”. As a result, new classifications of what is deemed essential vs nonessential are starting to emerge within every industry....
How to Meditate: A Guide For Beginners

How to Meditate: A Guide For Beginners

Meditation is not just a trendy thing to brag about on social media – it has actually been around for thousands of years and provides many health benefits, both mental and physical.  Building up a tolerance to handle difficult situations as they arise is the way...
Nature vs Nurture Theories in Psychology

Nature vs Nurture Theories in Psychology

The nature versus nurture debate has been around for centuries. There are many schools of thought regarding which one has a greater influence on what makes us who we are. When psychologists talk about the nature side, they are referring to the genetics we are born...
How to Help Someone with Anxiety

How to Help Someone with Anxiety

It can be hard watching loved ones suffer an anxiety attack. An anxiety disorder is more than just some worry or fear; it’s constant paranoia that something may go wrong or terror about something that could potentially happen but hasn’t yet. How symptoms present is...
Living with High-Functioning Anxiety

Living with High-Functioning Anxiety

Invisible illnesses are easy to dismiss because they’re not something that can physically be seen. Anxiety, for example, is something people may not take seriously since everyone feels worried, scared, and panicked from time to time. People with anxiety disorders...