How to Help Someone with Anxiety

How to Help Someone with Anxiety

It can be hard watching loved ones suffer an anxiety attack. An anxiety disorder is more than just some worry or fear; it’s constant paranoia that something may go wrong or terror about something that could potentially happen but hasn’t yet. How symptoms present is...
Living with High-Functioning Anxiety

Living with High-Functioning Anxiety

Invisible illnesses are easy to dismiss because they’re not something that can physically be seen. Anxiety, for example, is something people may not take seriously since everyone feels worried, scared, and panicked from time to time. People with anxiety disorders...
The Top Mental Health Issues of University Students

The Top Mental Health Issues of University Students

Mental health professionals have growing concerns about the increasing mental health issues suffered by college students today. The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that 25 percent of students have an emotional or mental health problem. Unfortunately,...
What to Do When You Think You Have a Mental Illness

What to Do When You Think You Have a Mental Illness

There are numerous signs of having a mental illness, but when these symptoms occur, someone may pretend that he doesn’t have a problem, and this makes the situation worse. Here is what experts recommend doing when an individual suspects that he has a mental...
Tips for Travel Anxiety

Tips for Travel Anxiety

There are many who hate even the thought of traveling. Whether it be on a plane or a car, feeling anxiety over travel is quite common for some. The problem could be getting on a plane to the fear of being away from home for too long. There are a few ways to help...