Why Should I Travel?

Why Should I Travel?

Traveling is not only a great way to expand your knowledge of different cultures, but it helps you grow as a person. Whether it be to relieve stress or self-exploration, travel should be a priority in your own life. There multiple reasons as to why you should travel,...
Avoid Language Barrier Conflicts Abroad

Avoid Language Barrier Conflicts Abroad

The idea of travel can be romantic, adventurous and sometimes stressful. Countries that speak a different native language than your own could cause some miscommunication during your journey. There are many ways to prepare for the language differences that may arise....
The First Steps Before Your Trip

The First Steps Before Your Trip

When preparing for a vacation or trip to a foreign country it is important to always think ahead. Whether it be bringing physical items or creating an itinerary, planning can either make or break a trip. The following are some simple ways to plan ahead and avoid any...

The Four Golden Rules of Hostel Travel

There’s a lot to be said for traveling in luxury, but the backpacking hostel-hopping experience is one that every seasoned, adventurous traveler should have under their belt at least once. Sure, you have to share a bathroom and listen to the top bunk snore, but you’ll...